Brief and Straightforward Guide: How Do I Unclog a Bathtub Drain? Bad Cat Solutions, makers of The Drain Claw, have some tips to unclog a bathtub drain before you grab that bottle of drain opener. We think a small and thin washcloth slipped down the drain. Most of us have at one time or another experienced the frustration that comes with a clogged bathtub drain. Unclogging a bathtub drain is a job everyone has to do sooner or later. Q: Lately, we’ve been having some problems in both the shower and sink in our bathroom. The water is draining much slower than usual. Don't just sit there scratching your head, find useful info on Unclog a Bathtub Drain on eHow. I unclog a bathtub drain by taking the cover off of the drain. Then I can use tweezers to pull out all of the hair and debris that accumulates in the drain. Use strainers in all your drains to stop hair from going down the drain. Once the tub overflow is firmly sealed with duct tape you are ready to clear the clogged drain.